- Fallow Venison Haunch
- Yoghurt
- Sweet Chili Sauce
- 2 Chilies
- Garlic
- Lemon
- Sumac
- Ras El Hanout
- Black Mustard Seeds
- Ginger
- Plain Flour
- Baking Powder
- Salt and Pepper
- Grated Turmeric
- Ginger
- Lemon Zest
- Olive oil
Baba Ganoush
- 3 Egg Plants
- Tahini
- Lemon
- Garlic
- Olive Oil
Chili Dip
- 8 Tomatoes
- Chili
- Garlic
- White onion
- Yoghurt
- Cucumber
- Lemon
- Garlic
- Mint
- Olive oil
Trim the head off the garlic bulbs and place onto a foil sheet. Sprinkle with salt and drizzle with olive oil. Warp into a parcel ready to roast in the Traeger.
Split the egg plants in half and score the flesh. Place into a large shallow tray with the garlic, 6 red chilies and drizzle with olive oil. Season. Place in a Traeger at 200°C/400°F on a sheet of foil for around 40 minutes.
Slice the venison into thin strips being sure to cut across the grain. Place between two sheets of parchment paper and tenderise by flattering the meat.
Create the marinade. To a base of natural yoghurt add two grated chilis, 6 cloves garlic, the rind and juice of a lemon and a tbsp grated fresh ginger. Add 2 tbsp of Ras El Hanout, 2 tbsp of Sumac, 2 tbsp of black pepper and 2 tbsp salt. Pour in 2 tbsp of sweet chili sauce and combine. Pour over the flattened venison, add a sprinkle of olive oil then massage the marinade into the meat. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
To make the Tzatziki – grate the cucumber on to a cloth so you can squeeze out the moisture. Grate 4 cloves of garlic and the rind of a lemon. Pour in a small drizzle of olive oil. Add the natural yoghurt then stir through freshly chopped Mint and Parsley and sprinkle with lemon juice. Season with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Refrigerate.
To make the flatbread mix plain flour with salt, pepper and baking powder. Add in Ras El Hanout and Sumac before grating in the rind of a lemon and fresh turmeric. Mix well. Gradually add warm water and olive oil until you form a dough which you can work with your hands. Cover with a cloth and allow to rest for 10 minutes.
Using a Shawarma spike build the Shawarma. Remove the vegetables from the Traeger and place in the Shawarma. Ensure the meat is cooked through before serving.
Create the chili sauce. Pour a base of olive oil into a mixer and season. Remove the stalks from the chilies and place in a blender, squeeze in a roasted garlic bulb and tomatoes. Add juice of half a lemon and blend.
To create the Baba Ganoush. Take the roasted Egg Plant and 2 bulbs of roasted garlic. Scoup out the flesh and place in a blender. Add Tahini (2/3rds Tahini to Egg Plant). Squeeze in the juice of 1 1/2 lemons. Add a good layer of olive oi. Add pepper and blend.
Take the flat bread and roll into a sausage to portion into 6 – 8 pieces. Flatten and roll to shape. Heat a pan and dry cook. Layer in a damp cloth to retain moisture.
Serve as a wrap with the delicious accompaniments.