Venison Pastrami Ingredients

  • 4.000 Kg   Boneless venison silverside
  • 1.680 Kg Water
  • 200 Gms Fine sea salt
  • 120 Gms Honey
  • 40 Gms Toasted  & cracked coriander seed
  • 30 Gms Toasted Chilli flakes
  • 20 Gms Toasted & cracked black peppercorns
  • 15Gms Garlic granules or 2 x crushed whole garlic cloves


Create a brine mix by mixing together the water and the salt and whisk together along with 120gms of honey.    Scoop a portion of this mix and place in a pan on the hob and add in the coriander, chilli, peppercorns and garlic.  Heat until the aromas come through then add back to the brine bowl and mix together.    Weigh your venison haunch and calculate 10% of the weight.  Using a syringe inject 10% of the meats weight of brine directly into the venison.  Add the haunch into a large sealed bag together with the remaining brine (ensure the meat is covered by the brine) and place in the fridge overnight.

When you return to the meat the following day you will see how the meat has changed and firmed.  Place two large meat hooks into the venison and add to a cold smoker.  Mike chooses to use a cherrywood maze for this recipe.   Light the maze and  allow the meat to smoke overnight.

Pickled Cucumber Ingredients

  • Cucumber
  • 2 Chilli
  • Lemon
  • Fennel Seeds
  • Splash of Live apple organic cider vinegar
  • Splash of British cider vinegar
  • Salt and pepper


Cut the cucumbers into 6 lengthways.  In a deep tray add 2 split chillis, a quartered lemon, a tsp of fennel seeds and a splash of both live apple organic cider vinegar and  British cider vinegar.  Sprinkle over a good pinch of salt and pepper and then work through well with your hands.  Split the mix evenly over a couple of bags and vacuum seal before placing into the fridge overnight.

Polish Kielbasa Ingredients

  • 1.920 Kg  Coarse ground 90% Visually lean Venison
  • 900 Gms  Fine diced, boneless, skinless game bird breast or Rabbit/hare saddle
  • 160 Gms Fine ground, boneless, skinless pork belly
  • 20 Gms Fine diced Lardo
  • 3.75 Gms Curing salt
  • 12 Gms Ground coriander seed
  • 12 Gms Ground fennel seed
  • 10 Gms whole yellow mustard seed
  • 10 Gms Garlic granules
  • 12 Gms cracked black pepper
  • 12 Gms Dextrose
  • Hog Casing
  • Ox Runner


Dice your venison and in a separate tray finely dice your pheasant and hare.   Finally dice your 160 grams of pork belly and 20 grams of Lardo.  Run the venison through the grinder on the coarse blade in the first instance and set aside before changing to a finer blade for the pork belly.   Place the ground pork belly in the fridge, ready to add later.

Spread the ground venison out into a large tray and evenly cover with curing salt before aggressively kneading the salt into the meat.  When the mix is sticky add in the rest of the game meat and the diced lardo and work them together.  Sprinkle on all of the herbs and then squeeze the herbs into the ground meat.  Finally add the pork belly and work throughly evenly with your fingers to combine with the ground game.   Bring the mixture together and store in the refrigerator to set.

Remove from the refrigerator and pack the meat into a sausage filler as firmly as you possibly can to avoid air pockets.  Using the beef casing create a boiling ring, when full fold over the casing and tie the ends with string.  Leave a gap between the two ends so it smokes evenly.  Hang in a fridge prior to smoking.  Using the Hog casing tie off a string of sausage and allow to chill before placing in the smoker overnight.