Fallowsaurus Wellington
Ingredients Fallow Wellington on the bone
- Rack of Fallow Deer or whitetail. Ideally we want an 8 bone rack that has been French Trimmed and weighs about 3lbs or 1.2 kg
- Carrots x 4
- Shallots x 3
- Butter ½ block
- Garlic Clove x 3 crushed
- Rosemary x 2 sprigs
- Chestnut Mushrooms x 200g
- Black Pepper
- Beef Stock 1 pt or 500mls
- ½ Bottle Red Wine
- Damson Jam
- Smoked Pancetta
- Hispi / Spring Cabbage
- Eggs x2
- Ready made pancakes x6
- Rolls of Premade puff pastry x2
Step 1 – Veg Prep
- Peel the carrots.
- Peel Shallots then finely chop.
- Finely chop the chestnut mushrooms.
Step 2 – Pan Fry Venison
- Melt butter in a frying pan, adding 3 cloves of crushed garlic and rosemary.
- Season fallow rack with black pepper and salt.
- Pan seer the fallow rack hot and fast to add colour (otherwise becomes insipid)
Step 3 – Wrap the Rack
- After searing the rack stand the venison rack with the bones pointing up.
- Wrap the rack in cling film a couple of times (piercing the bones through)
- Important: Making sure the final wrap is extra tight.
- Place the cling wrapped rack into the fridge for 10 minutes making sure it is standing with the bones pointing up (Allowing the rack to set in position).
Step 4 – Wellington Filling
- Fry the shallots in butter in the same pan used for searing the rack.
- Adding the mushrooms
- Reduce the beef stock in a saucepan on the stove by ¾
- Take the fried shallots and mushrooms off the stove and remove the oil by dabbing them with a paper towel.
- Run through the mushrooms to chop them extra fine.
- Putting them into the freezer to set.
Step 5 – The Gravy
- Reduce down ½ bottle of red wine by a third in the rack seared pan (lifts the flavour off the pan).
- Add the wine and beef stock together and continue reducing both together.
- Add a knob of butter and some damson jam.
Step 6 – Pastry Wrap The Rack
- Take the rack out of the fridge (IMPORTANT keeping it up right with bones up to retain the shape).
- Lay out pancetta onto a sheet of cling film.
- Putting a base of fried chopped mushrooms and shallot filling onto the pancetta.
- Then sit the rack on top of the filling.
- Laying more filling on the side of the rack.
- Then begin to wrap the pancetta to keep the filling in place.
- Remove the cling film and use extra pancetta to close up the top of the rack.
- Place the ready made pancakes over the pancetta as a insulation and cut of the excess pancakes.
- Lay out the sheet of pastry and wrap the rack, full enclosing the rack and pierce the rack bones through the pastry.
- A good base= strong seal for cooking.
- Brush an whisked egg onto pastry edges as the adhesive to stick the pastry together.
- Cut off the end nips to remove big gobs of excess pastry.
- Put the rack pasty onto a baking tray with baking paper, egg washing the entire pastry.
- Then put the rack into the oven for 40 minutes at 200c
Step 7 – Cooking Veg
- Cut Hispi Cabbage into quarters and slow cook in a frying pan with water and butter. For 15 minutes
- Cooked the peeled carrots in a pan of hot water over the stove for 12 minutes.
- After cooking both, drain well and season with salt, pepper and knobs of butter
Step 8 – Serve
- Remove the rack from the oven and allow to stand for a few minutes.
- Cut the wellington in between the bones.
- Serve with cabbage, carrots and Damson gravy.
- Enjoy this truly impressive centre piece with friends.