
  • Horse Mackerel
  • Romesco Peppers
  • Red Onion
  • Garlic
  • Celery
  • Olive oil
  • Fennel
  • Hierbas Ibicencas
  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Saffron
  • White Wine
  • Pepper
  • Pimenton Picante
  • Fresh basil
  • Lemon
  • Egg and milk for the egg wash
  • Croutons


Fillet the horse mackerel, create an egg wash to dip the fillets in before dredging in flour and frying in olive oil to serve as an accompaniment to the soup. 

Place half the remainder of the mackerel into a pan of boiling water with celery stalks and quartered red onion to create a stock.

Roughly cut red, orange and yellow romesco peppers, celery, red onion and add to a hot frying pan with 4 cloves of garlic.  Soften for around 15 minutes in olive oil.  Sprinkle over fresh fennel seeds. 

When softened turn the vegetables into a heavy duty pot.  Add in the remaining mackerel and drizzle with Hierbas Ibicencas.  Pour in a tin of good quality tomatoes.  Sprinkle over a pinch of saffron and add a good glug of white wine.  Season with black ground pepper.  Add a pint of the fish stock and bring up to heat leaving to simmer for 30 minutes.   Blitz in a blender before pushing through a tight sieve to remove any bone fragments.  Return to the heat and add a pinch of Pomenton Picante and a dash pf Hierbas Ibicencas

Create a green sauce by crushing garlic cloves and basil in a pestle and mortar, add lemon and olive oil.

Serve the soup with croutons, a drizzle of green sauce and the fried mackerel fillet.