
2 x trout With salt and pepper sprinkled inside the cavity

Seal inside baking parchment and foil to make a steamproof bag

Add to Traeger. – 160/350f cook for 5 mins then rip bag open in a few places to let smoke into bag, cook for further 10 mins.  This method is called “En Papillotte”

Serve with Wild mushrooms on toast

Heat a frying pan and add olive oil and then some butter, mix together.

Add mushrooms to mix and gently stir and coat with butter/oil

Cook for 2-3 mins

Add parsley to pan and salt & pepper

Unwrap fish , debone and serve with mushrooms on sourdough toast

Asian hard fried Rainbow trout


  • 1 Trout – gutted and deboned
  • Ginger very thinly sliced
  • Shallots sliced
  • Garlic
  • Chopped coriander
  • Wild garlic chopped for dressing
  • Chilli sliced thinly


Cut slices into the fish on both sides at regular intervals

Add a sprinkling of flour and corn flour mixed  – rub this into the slits in the fish all over

Pat off flour and cook in deep oil for 1.3 mins on each side


Add chilli, ginger and shallots to a hot pan and stir

Add a large splash soy and fish sauce to the pan

Add white and black sesame

Add rice vinegar

Add wild garlic

Juice of two lemons

Drain fish and add marinate to fish